Reading this? Welcome to my blog!
Although having spent half my life around computing I never really got hooked on the latest and greatest social computing technologies and forums like blogging, Facebook, Twitter, Live spaces and other. I guess I considered myself busy enough on other things but producing text for blog posts, posting status updates like being stuck in traffic jam, mowing the lawn or other no one would ever care reading anyway.
- Or would they? No clue. Better test this out or be stuck in uncertainty forever.
For now I’ll use this place to share some stuff I hope might be of interest to others that may run into similar issues as I’ve done myself. I think it’s fair to say I’ve gotten (or should have gotten) a fairly good understanding of a few areas such as:
- Software globalization and localization
- Web development using primarily Microsoft technologies
- Database development
- .Net Framework developing using C#
- And other random software related areas
So, them postings ain’t gonna post themselves. Better get going! Stay tuned for the first one. Think it’ll be something related to software localization from a web development perspective.
Välkommen! (Welcome!)
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